Learning From Empowered Parents

Positive Powerful Parents together with DFFH is working on this exciting new project!!

This project will co design the following:
– A film called Compare the Parents πŸ“½οΈπŸŽ¬
– A interview style documentary from a lived experience 🎀
– 2 face to face workshops with DFFH staff πŸ§–πŸ™‹β€β™€οΈ
Positive Powerful Parents is very excited about this project and looks forward to sharing updates about it over the next few months!!

Raising Our Voices ‘International Women’s Day’ radio special πŸ“»

In this show Sarah, Mel and Lisa talk about their stories as women with cognitive disabilities.

Lisa is a member of Brain Injury Matters.

She chats about her experience with ableism and sexism since she acquired her brain injury.

Mel is a peer worker at Positive Powerful Parents.

She shares her story as a mother with an intellectual disability.

Sarah is a member of New Wave Gippsland Self Advocacy and Rainbow Rights.

She shares her experience as a Trans, Aboriginal, Lesbian women with an Acquired Brain Injury.

Mel, Lisa and Sarah also chat about how discrimination is still happening on the ground, even though there are anti-discrimination laws and policies.

They also talk about the importance of sharing their stories, and supporting others with disability to be empowered and speak up.

To listen to the show click the link below:

πŸ‘‰ : https://www.3cr.org.au/raisingourvoices

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