Congratulations to all of the parents who created the Compare the Parents Short Film, we WON the Judges Choice Award for Short Film at the Focus on Ability Film Festival!! It’s such a powerful film and will now be shared far and wide. BIG THANK YOU to Romeo and Jess for going up to Sydney …
Category Archives: Uncategorised
October Melbourne Friday Friendship Group
Friday October 25th 12pm until 2pm – lunch provided Ross House: level 4, 247 Flinders Lane Melbourne, Vic
October Gippsland Friday Friendship Group
Friday October 11th 10am until 12pm Moe Library: 1/29 George st Moe, Vic
Melbourne Friday Friendship Group
June Friday Friendship Group June 28th
Friday June 28th 12pm until 2pm Level 4 Ross House, 247 Flinders lane, Melbourne
End of ILC Project Celebration
Positive Powerful Parents and Self Advocacy Groups from around Victoria came together this week and celebrated the achievements each of the group made through the ILC Individual Capacity Building round that finishes up on June 30th 2024. Groups presented slide shows, gave speeches and shared what being connected to their group meant to them. Through …
Book Project
Positive Powerful Parents have been working with a creative writer to put parents lived experience onto paper in books. This week we were VERY PROUD to launch the books made by parents!!?? The books are available to read at our office and will be strategically placed in the community for people to read.
Positive Powerful Parents ?We Call on DSS to fund SELF ADVOCACY!!
Without support from the Department of Social Services these Self Advocacy Groups are at risk of closure: • Positive Powerful Parents (PPP) • Reinforce • Brain Injury Matters (BIM) • Power in Culture and Ethnicity (PCE) • Have a Say Bendigo (HASB) • Voices for Change (V4C) • Voice at the Table (VATT) Click the …
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Positive Powerful Parents has missed out on funding ?
Positive Powerful Parents along with other Self Advocacy Groups has missed out on ILC Funding. This means that PPP will not be able to continue with: running training for parents/people with intellectual disability, providing as much support to parents as we would like, we will no longer be running our Online Friday Friendship Groups, our …
Continue reading “Positive Powerful Parents has missed out on funding ?”
PPP Book Project ?
PPP is super excited to let you know we have been working on a Book Project. Parents have been busy working on putting there stories onto paper with the support from Hannah Reekie. We will let you know when the books are ready and will have some sets of the books to give away. Here …