Category Archives: Uncategorised
Parents with Disability in Victoria now have a Charter of Rights!👏
It is with excitement that PPP can share with you the Victorian Charter of Rights for Parents and Carers with disability involved with Child Protection. The documents were launched yesterday 6/2/2023 by our very own Susan Arthur and Miranda Bain from Funds in Court Victoria-The Supreme Court of Victoria. The documents are now ‘live’ within the …
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We are now based in Gippsland! 👏
Positive Powerful Parents are so happy to be able to share the news with you that we are now based in Gippsland!! Our friends at New Wave Self Advocacy have been very kind to share their office space with us. The office is in Church st Morwell. PPP’s Julie and Eric will be in the …
Gippsland Friday Friendship Group!!
We’re back in Gippsland and ready to go… Our first Gippsland Friday Friendship Group is on Friday 10th February from 11am until 1pm 27 Church st Morwell
New PPP Team members!!
Positive Powerful Parents are excited to be able to introduce our new Peer Worker Melanie and New Gippsland Project Worker Eric!! Say HELLO to Melanie!! Melanie joins the PPP Team, Melanie will be based in Melbourne and run the Melbourne Friday Friendship Groups. Say HELLO to Eric!! Eric will be based in Morwell and will …
Friday Friendship Groups are back!!
Positive Powerful Parents will be holding Friday Friendship Groups in Melbourne, Gippsland and Online through 2023. Please see timetables below. We will update the Gippsland doc with times after the group’s first meeting.
Welcome to 2023!!🎉
PPP are very excited to be back again in 2023 with funding! 👌 PPP were successful in receiving an ILC Grant extension to keep going with the Parents Rights Network ~ Parents Helping Parents project. 👏 Thank you to the Department of Social Services for the Information Linkages and Capacity Building project extension. 😊
Self Advocacy Training in Gippsland
Please RSVP by Wednesday November 9th
❗Self Advocacy Matters Conference 2022❗
💥Gippsland Friday Friendship Group💥
The Gippsland Friday Friendship Group is on October 14th Please RSVP to attend email: or call 9639 9106 and leave a message